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Brief facts about containers:

Container Any receptacle or enclosure for holding a product used in storage, packaging, and transportation...

Container (virtualization) In software engineering, containerization is operating system-level virtualization or...

Container (flowers) The practice of growing plants, including edible plants, exclusively in containers instead of...

Container (abstract data type) A class or a data structure whose instances are collections of other objects.

Container (type theory) Abstractions which permit various "collection types", such as lists and trees, to be represented...

Container format (computing) A file format that allows multiple data streams to be embedded into a single file, usually along...

Container (board game) An economic simulation board game for three to five players, released in 2007.

Container (film) A Swedish film by Lukas Moodysson.

"Container" (song) A song written and performed by American singer-songwriter Fiona Apple and produced by Blake Mills.

Container radar The new generation of Russian over-the-horizon radar, providing long distance airspace monitoring...

Container Bob The nickname given to Amir Farid Rizk who was found in a shipping container in Italy in...

Enclosure See related meanings for the word 'Enclosure'.

Receptacle See related meanings for the word 'Receptacle'.


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