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Brief facts about dekotora:

Dekotora or decotora, an abbreviation for "decoration truck", are a style of decorated trucks in Japan. Commonly featuring neon, LED or ultraviolet lights, detailed paintjobs and murals, and stainless steel or golden parts, dekotora may be created by workers out of their work trucks for fun, or they may be designed by hobbyists for special events. They are sometimes also referred to as art trucks, ātotorakku.

Dekochari , bicycles modelled after dekotora.

Itasha , cars decorated with anime characters.

Jeepneys , trucks originally made from surplus American jeeps from WWII, and later being replaced by installing surplus parts from Japan aftermarket.

Chiva buses , colourful buses primarily seen in Colombia and Ecuador.

Tap taps , painted Haitian "buses".

Truck art in South Asia - Truck art in South Asia is a popular form of regional decoration, with trucks featuring elaborate floral patterns and calligraphy. It is especially common in Pakistan and India.

Trucking subculture

Art vehicles

Japanese subcultures


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